The Two Kingdoms

The Two Kingdoms Should Christians Pledge Allegiance to Earthly Nations? Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, My attendants would have struggled that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here.”                                                                                    John 18:36 The words of the Lord beg the following question:   If Christians are those who follow Jesus, and He denied the world and any right to rule over it at […]

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The Drums of War

The Drums of War The Male Goat Threatens the Persian Ram   And another horse went forth, fiery (red), and to the one sitting on is was given to take peace out of the earth, and that they should be slaying one another. And a great sword was given to him.         Revelation 6:4   It’s a new world, when leaders of sovereign nations do not meet in a spirit of diplomacy to discuss irreconcilable differences, but rattle sabers on Twitter […]

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Hello world!

We stand on the frontier of an entire global transformation unlike any disruption since the days of Noah. It will be the first allotment of the victory which occurred 2000 years ago; a victory which seemed like a defeat from the human perspective but which will reap its harvest very soon. Yes, the day of the Lord is near! And the day of the Lord sweeps away iniquity and ushers in the next aeon, or age. But how much time […]

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