The Two Kingdoms

The Two Kingdoms

Should Christians Pledge Allegiance to Earthly Nations?

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, My attendants would have struggled that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here.”
                                                                                   John 18:36

The words of the Lord beg the following question:   If Christians are those who follow Jesus, and He denied the world and any right to rule over it at that time, why do disciples struggle over the nations of the world?

Christ Jesus is gathering all the nations to Himself, and will even rule over all His enemies (1 Cor. 15:25). Once again, if the devil is ‘the divider,’ and all things in heaven and upon earth are being gathered together into Him as the head (Eph. 1:10), then where lies the warrant to battle and war one nation against another, especially when one or the other claim to be Christian nations?

Why is it just lip service for Christendom to place citizenship in Heaven? Paul’s testimony to the Philippians (3:20) is definitive:

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem . . . (Heb. 12:23)


This citizenship begs the question: to which do we belong? Where is our allegiance?

We are thus compelled to revisit the sublime allegorical teaching of the apostle Paul to the Galatians, who were falling under the spell of the circumcision faction, and indeed were relinquishing their new freedom in Christ to re-enter slavery to “the rudimentary things of the world” (Gal. 4:3) once again.

For it is written that that Abraham had two sons, one from the maidservant and one from the freewoman. But, indeed, the one out of the maidservant has been born according to the flesh, and the one out of the freewoman through the promise. Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants, one indeed from Mount Sinai, begetting to slavery, which is Hagar. Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the Jerusalem that is now, for she is in bondage with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, who is our mother. . . . But what says the scripture? Cast out the maidservant and her son. For by no means shall the son of the maidservant inherit with the son of the freewoman. Wherefore brothers, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the freewoman. (Gal. 4:22-26,30-31)

Upon this foundational truth is built the ekklesia, or congregation of God. We cannot serve two masters (Matt. 6:24), which allegorically speaking means we cannot serve both the flesh and the Spirit, for a divided allegiance amounts to harlotry, or spiritual adultery, and is a cause for casting one off.

Though the Jerusalem of the earth may be beautiful and full of desirable things, she is still a harlot, as God has spoken through His servants the prophets, many times.

And thus, all of the clever spiritual arguments of Christian Zionists and Messianic Jews will never be able to contradict the clear and present teaching of the Word of God. All of the cities of the earth are of a piece with Jerusalem, and all of the nations are under another covenant – A COVENANT OF BONDAGE – to the elementary things of this world.

When Americans pledge allegiance to the flag, even if they claim it to be a nation under God, what are they saying? They are swearing to YHWH, the true God, and yet swearing by Baal at the same moment – “those who bow down and swear by the LORD but also swear by Molech (Jer. 12:16). As they shed a tear for the rockets red glare, do they not swear by the gods of War who condemn their children to a fiery death? As they roll tanks down the capitol mall do they not declare that their kingdom is not of the heavenly city, but of the fleshly kingdom that owes its allegiance to the Adversary, not the Living God?

Who is the god of the nations until the Lord’s kingdom is established on earth as it is in Heaven? Do the nations display their allegiance to the Prince of Peace, or do they evidence their worship of the gods of materialism, greed, war and death?

Again, the Devil took Him to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said to Him, “All these things I will give to you, if you will fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus says to him, “Go, Satan; for it has been written: The Lord your God shall you worship, and Him alone shall you serve.” (Matt. 4:8-10)

So there it is. Him alone shall we serve. Not God AND our nation, but YHWH alone.

And there is the crux of the harlotry of the Christian church in America – and around the world for that matter. They claim a Kingdom of Heaven but fight for the kingdoms of the world.

Psalm 46 reminds us that God is putting an end to wars to the ends of the earth. So why is Man still in rebellion and carrying on war? It is the nature of the old man, the beast. This will not bring in a kingdom that knows no end (Isa. 9, Zech. 9). That Kingdom is prepared for those who eagerly await Him (Phil. 3:20), for surely the witness is true: He will save those who eagerly await Him (Heb. 9:20).

And that eagerness is betrayed by any and all of us who labor to build our fiefdoms in this world, who worship the work of our hands and serve the kingdoms of this world (Rev. 9:20-21). That is divided loyalty which is hateful to the Lord. Spiritual adultery is just that divided loyalty and the antithesis of this eager anticipation of the Bride and her bridesmaids who await the coming of the Lord, a longing which is picked up by Peter (2 Pet. 3:11-13)

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

Does this mean we should live lawlessly and ignore the rules of the worldly government under which we live? God forbid. We can see the effects of lawlessness in many authoritarian dictatorships around the world, along with the efforts of such a power to rise within the United States as well. We cannot bear witness to the higher Kingdom of God if we do not live according to the Law of that higher Kingdom, and also attract possible faithful dwellers by our own behavior according to the laws of the land. To wit, Paul and Peter both make the case.

Let every soul be subject to the authorities being above him. For there is no authority except by God; but those existing are having been instituted by God. Therefore the one rebelling against the authority has resisted the ordinance of God, and those having resisted will bring judgment upon themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Now do you desire not to fear the authority? Do the good, and you will have praise from him. (Rom. 13:1-3)

Be in subjection to every human institution for the sake of the Lord, whether to the king as being supreme, or to governors as being sent by him for vengeance to evildoers and praise to well-doers, because the will of God is this: doing good, to put to silence the ignorance of foolish men, as free, and not having the freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as servants of God. (2Pet. 2:13-16)

By integrating these roles as citizen of the Heavenly city, and alien dweller in the world, disciples can demonstrate that there is truly One Sovereign, one ruler over all the kingdoms of the world, and Him alone we worship.

All of this boils down to the riddle of the two sons, the two kingdoms, the two cities, the two covenants, a riddle in which it turns out that the Jerusalem of the earth is another name for Babylon, even as Israel demonstrated her harlotry and was cast off, only to be reclaimed and redeemed at a later point in the Plan.

We cannot be people of divided allegiance, people of two minds, two hearts, or two spouses. And so it is written in scripture, that we cannot make allegiance to an earthly kingdom an impediment to our Love and fealty to God.

Esther had allegiance to her king, Ahasuerus, but in the end was willing to risk her life to save her people — and she was the Queen!

For God’s Church in America, the land of many idols, many gods, it is a difficult word — for there is a pernicious thought in the body politic, that America is “exceptional.” But in God’s Kingdom, there are no exceptions. All are subject to the same commandment: You must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

And in this case, when Jesus says you must love your neighbor as yourself and thus fulfill the Law (cf. Gal. 5:14), America is not exempt, not allowed to love Christians of their own stripe, but to hate everyone else, and to even bomb Muslims, or keep brown children in cages. These are just a couple of examples showing the travesty against God and His children that are consequences of divided  allegiance to two kingdoms, of being enslaved to the covenant of Sinai and the earthly Jerusalem which has no inheritance in the Light.

Christ has set us free for Freedom and in this we are free in deed. The tanks may be rolling in the streets, and the fighter jets flying in formation over head, but we are meant to be set free from this slavery to sin and to death.

Though all the kingdoms of the world be offered to the rulers “what profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and loseth his soul?” If those who claim allegiance to Christ conquer all the kingdoms of the world what does that mean when it is NOT their calling but God’s action which will accomplish that end? NO. Man is to worship God alone, and to forswear his own action to lay claim to God’s world which shall be brought into the Kingdom in its due time.

Grace and Peace in the name of the Prince of Peace, even Jesus Christ.

The Drums of War

The Drums of War

The Male Goat Threatens the Persian Ram


And another horse went forth, fiery (red), and to the one sitting on is was given to take peace out of the earth, and that they should be slaying one another. And a great sword was given to him.         Revelation 6:4


It’s a new world, when leaders of sovereign nations do not meet in a spirit of diplomacy to discuss irreconcilable differences, but rattle sabers on Twitter accounts and make declarations of war while a worried world looks on and wonders whither goest we?

Of course, those of us who have many of The Savior’s words reverberating in our minds can say, well yes, “And you  will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those must take place, but the end is not yet.” (Matt. 24:6) And of course, we would be mindful to follow Paul’s comforting admonition to keep seeking the things above, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (Col. 3:2)

But there is something ominous here, not only in the manner of execution, but in the timing of it all — especially in view of the developments in Jerusalem, and the resounding cries of Christian Zionists to support Israel at all costs. And it is the “at all costs” that truly tries the conscience, for does that include massive death to civilian populations in Iran who will simply be collateral damage for the agenda of the West?

For the millions of faithful in America who believe in the myth of America as God’s special nation it means to abandon the words of Christ and the words of Paul, and to back our nation in the execution of its ‘God-given mission’ and to sanctify a war in God’s name. It means speculating on who God has ‘anointed’ for this time and what their ordained role it. What happened to the “ministry of reconciliation” and the gospel of peace for which Paul launched a global ministry, and what about seeking the things above? Oh well, we can always seek the things above while pursuing war down here.

Still how can anyone be an ambassador for Christ and an advocate of bombing human beings at the same time? Is there any wonder the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not getting much traction in certain areas like Iran, for one?

I would like to suggest that the hour is getting late and we need to look at the drama between the US and Iran as something that has strong prophetic linkages and presents a very stark shadow of the battle between various spiritual powers and principalities.

Let’s center our examination of this rumored war, this potentially looming global event, within the visions shown to Daniel the prophet and to those shown to the apostle John which he recorded in the book of Revelation. As many self-proclaimed teachers and prophets are claiming to know who the antichrist is, and where we are in the final time of tribulation, and what is going to transpire, it seems a good idea to consult God’s own transmission on the subject so perhaps as to better read the earthly signs of the times.

One clever theory postulated a ‘Second Passover’ which would see the world swept by a sudden death of those uncovered first-borns who would be taken in a manner similar to that in ancient Egypt. But this theory makes certain conclusions as a result of taking some scriptures out of their context and also by missing the time period of certain prophecies that still remain in our future. So we will avoid the theories of men, and listen to the Logos speaking through the scriptures.

Since this blog entry is really just a thumbnail sketch of more ambitious projects in progress, it will be wise to pursue an overview of what scripture tells us, and to keep the writing to a shorter length.

The question looms large these days as to when we will enter that final seven years of affliction and endurance, all leading to the day of the Lord, with some proclaiming we are in it, and some saying Daniel’s final week of the 70 week prophecy will start much later, and some detailing a defining event that will signal its commencement.

Daniel writes that prior to the rise of the little horn, the one Paul refers to as the “man of lawlessness,” and many will call the antichrist, there is a substantial conflict which is initiated by “a male goat” with one large horn between his eyes. The spiritual messenger, or angel, explains to Daniel that the goat represents the king of Greece and the large horn is the first king (Dan. 8:21). Earlier the reader has been told that this goat has flown from the west over the surface of the earth without touching the ground, and has rushed at a ram with two horns which represents the kingdoms of Media and Persia. (Dan. 8:5-6,20) 

Bear in mind that these visions were prophecies to be sealed unto the final part of the days (of this aeon), and are referring to spiritual powers. And this is what proves so challenging for bible students and scholars who would be exegetes of these texts of God. If we are looking at spiritual realities then what is the corresponding shadow of those realities on earth so we may know the battle to which God refers? Is there even a linkage so that there is a shadow?

For our struggle is not with blood and flesh, but with the rulers, with the authorities, with the world forces of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness in the celestials. (Eph. 6:12)

So it looks like the true member of the body of Christ is placed in an interesting position: to battle on the spiritual front with the Evangel and the word of truth, with faith and the breastplate of righteousness, and to recognize the presence of the spiritual powers that are the world rulers and forces of this darkness and to battle them spiritually without getting into the fray physically. The wars of the nations are for the nations. They are emblematic of a struggle between competing powers for dominance.

In God’s parlance, these figures of Greece and Persia stand for certain commitments which are engraved in the minds of those under the jurisdiction of those mind-sets. Greece was known for its love of democracy, law and the rule of reason, and above all licentiousness. Greece also became known for its ‘Mystery schools’ and tolerance of the pagan practices of many religions, tolerating everything but intolerance.

If we were to find the spirit of Greece today, we would have to see it in that nation or community of nations in the west which promote these ideals to the fullest, which we find in the United States and those who are aligned with her in her pantheon and her passion to push her ideals upon the world. She is going forth to conquer and is conquering.

In this way the US resembles the first horseman on the white horse, though that rider is a spiritual power and the US is a nation of many peoples.

The prince of Persia, a competing spiritual power, in this end time has come to be dominated by a less tolerant religious leadership — but in actuality not really less tolerant than America upon closer inspection. But Iran is a powerful force and has the serious backing and support of the Russian Federation and of China.

Without exhausting the investigation, it is clear that a looming east-west conflict is pressing itself upon the world. This is for some observers a fait accompli, simply because several of the most influential globalists have decreed it and are taking all the key steps to put it into motion.

Someone wants this war to occur because there is a hidden benefit — and it is not merely the sale of arms. There is a larger global restructuring of powers taking place that requires all the forces of darkness to be aligned so they can come under their leader. Iran is a mighty obstacle to any New World Order, and it has been decreed that she will be brought in as a painful example of what will happen to nations who oppose the plan of the architects. Qaddafi found out, as have a number of other leaders.

But what makes Iran such a singular case is that the drama of the goat and the ram fits in as the global event that occurs on the eve of the last seven years of this aeon. It is the world-shattering struggle that lays the pretext for the man of lawlessness to come in with a world agenda of “peace and security,” and to begin with a covenant of the nations that will formalize a New Order for the Ages.

By going back to revisit Daniel, particularly chapters 8 thorough 11, the serious student of prophecy and the one who looks for Christ’s return, can see the fractal scaling of different passages that help illuminate just how this final period will begin, and even approximately when.  

For there is only a short period for the male goat to magnify himself exceedingly, and then the large horn is broken.

And here the reader must exercise discernment, for the identities of the large horn and the small horn have been debated for centuries, and there is nothing near a consensus on what they represent. Given that a horn symbolizes a king in the words of the angel, and these kings are spiritual rulers, then we ought to see earthly rulers that to some good degree reflect the spiritual reality they follow.

Hello world!

We stand on the frontier of an entire global transformation unlike any disruption since the days of Noah. It will be the first allotment of the victory which occurred 2000 years ago; a victory which seemed like a defeat from the human perspective but which will reap its harvest very soon. Yes, the day of the Lord is near!

And the day of the Lord sweeps away iniquity and ushers in the next aeon, or age. But how much time is left in the present age before the millennial kingdom on earth? Good question, and it is one which responsible teachers would not dare to pin down to a day or hour.

But we do know the season and we know unequivocal signs that must precede the return of Christ.

Our ‘Days to Come‘ section will deal with Daniel, Revelation, Matthew, Thessalonians, and all of the major and minor prophets who were given visions or Words concerning the final days.

East and West are currently becoming further antagonized by each other — a condition that appears to be governed by the powers of this world darkness that would embroil the nations in a war which would serve as a pretext for the entry of a new world leader, a long awaited man, named by Paul as the ‘man of lawlessness.’

This leader will be from the House of David, will not respect the Elohim of his fathers, so clearly from the House of Israel. He will win his position by intrigue and become head of an entire world system we know as Babylon. But he will rule from Jerusalem, it appears. After the Temple of God has been restored and operated for the House of Israel, he will eventually desecrate it and turn it into an abomination. At this point the abomination of desolation of which Jesus spoke, quoting Matthew, will be established, and this son of destruction will declare himself to be God.

Many wonder and ask us just what indications might we have as to when all of this will occur, in the days to come.

And it is here that Daniel chapter 8 is so helpful because something spectacular does come to pass just before the rise of the world leader, or ‘little horn’ as he is known in Daniel. The goat-like power of the west, identified with Greece – and that is not geographical, but rather, a mind-set and philosophical bent – flies eastward and tramples a ram, identified with Persia (modern day Iran). And this understanding is brought forth by the spiritual messenger who tells Daniel “Behold I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the time of the end.” (Dan. 8:19)

Shortly after the victory, the male goat magnifies himself greatly, but as soon as he is mighty, he is broken off, and that is when the little horn rises to power. (Dan. 8:7-9)

With the ascent of the new spiritual (and physical) principality, part of the host of heaven is caused to fall and becomes trampled. The host is given into the hands of the horn and he prospers. And all of this occurs within a basic 7 year time period that begins with an international covenant or treaty that comes with his ascent to rule.

With the sabers rattling in Saudi Arabia, and the drums of war being beaten in Israel and Washington, it seems unlikely that we will pass another presidential election before such war shall occur. Of course, it is possible that we may see a Trump re-election and war with Iran after that.

On the other hand, Henry Kissinger came out of the oval office in February and stated with all nonchalance that under the Trump administration we would see the emergence of a whole new peaceful World Order. Hmmmm

Very interesting way of disclosure — someone at the height of the global governing counsel of powers announcing quite calmly that we are virtually there, the NWO. It will be then a Pax Judiana.

So be it. It must be, for without the man of lawlessness, Christ does not return (2 Thess 2:2-3) — the day of the Lord will not come except the man of lawlessness is revealed.

For us then, there remains this quiet realization, that we do not want to re-write the Book of Revelation, nor to see that somehow we change history, or forestall what God has decreed. It is all within the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11) and therefore it will work to the good of all.

So as we say hello world, it is almost “Good-bye World!” because the world order will now pass quickly and Christ will arrive quite unexpectedly to most — though that is hard to grasp considering how many bibles are in print worldwide. I suppose it is just lack of belief that makes it impossible to see that it is all coming to pass just as it was written.

But for us who believe it is part of the “good news” because now will come the sweeping away of iniquity in preparation for the kingdom, and that which Man cannot accomplish — the establishment of a righteous kingdom — God will do quite handily with the King He has chosen from before the foundation of the world.

Further good news for the body of Christ: Paul stated without condition that God would spare the body of Christ from the day of indignation. So our time here is even shorter than the end of this age. Tribulation we have seen, and tribulation we shall see, but tribulation such as has never been seen shall come with the eve of the indignation that awaits the nations.

Now to all people on earth, publish the good news of peace, that we are in a time of God being concilated to world on account of the glorious gift of Christ — and now it is for each allotment of the kingdom, each inheritance, to be reconciled to God. We have yet some days and months of peace before the indignation. So let us be the heralds of just such an evangel.

Yours in the Spirit of Christ,

Bruce and Marianne