The Heavens Declare the Glory of God


Psalm 19 -The Glory of God

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, and the Expanse shows the work of His hands ~Psalm 19



Listen and YHWH shall tell you Heavenly Secrets!


God reveals the Mystery of His Creation through one of the most iconic psalms that contains matchless poetry – the silent testimony of the heavens that speak His Glory without words. The principal analogue to the flawless celestial mechanics of the heavenly bodies in their marvelous motions shows itself as the LAW OF GOD, which is perfect, restoring the soul.

In this Heavenly-Earthly correspondence lies the object lesson, the order of the universe is dependent upon laws which the Father in His Divine Wisdom has established as the foundation for the perfection of His creation. The same goes for earthly matters as heavenly. Man is governed by laws, and those laws are the template of perfect life. 

Both astrophysics and Torah reveal the mind of God — they testify to His Glory. Paul declared this profound truth to the Romans (chapter 1), for it is the foundation for living in harmony with the Creator and the sublime creation He has made for His offspring.




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