Sons of God


Sons of God

Legends of the Fall


“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?

            Tell, if you know understanding,

Who set its measurements, since you know?

            Or who stretched the line on it?

On what were its bases sunk?

            Or who laid its cornerstone?

When the morning stars <kokebei boker> sang together,

            And all the Sons of God  <b’nei Elohim> shouted for joy?

(Job 38:4-7)

That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:6)

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God <pneuma tou Theou>, these are sons of God.” (Rom. 8:14)


Bind up the testimony, seal the teaching <torah> among My disciples. (Isaiah  8:16)

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For Those Who Would Be Sons

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The Fore-ordained End of God’s Creation

What could be more fundamental to reflect upon than this, the goal and the telos, or end of God’s creation? To create Sons:  the “crown of creation” (Ps. 8:4-5) that comes to fullness on the sixth day of creation and completes God’s work, which then flows into His rest from all His works, His eternal Sabbath.

With such high subject matter, so near and dear to the heart of the Most High, of whom else would we even inquire about who are sons of God, B’nei Elohim, but of God Himself by listening to the voice of His Logos, Christ Jesus, the Living Word, the only-begotten Son of God? Is this not the clearest voice, He through whom all things were made?

The words of Hebrews 1 call to mind the glorious estate of being something distinctive from a Malach, a messenger or angel:

. . . having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they. For to which of the angels did He ever say, “Thou art my Son, Today I have begotten Thee”? And again, “I will be a Father to Him and He shall be a Son to Me”?  . . .  Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who inherit salvation? (Heb. 1:4-5, 14)

The disingenuous dimension of the conversation about angels, gods, and men within the human community is grounded in the fact that almost all biblical scholars, commentators, pastors, and believers rely as much or more upon the traditions of men than listening closely to what God has plainly disclosed through the prophets and apostles. Why? Can anyone add a single word to what God has said already on the subject of His own creation? The Isaiah quote above is a solid foundation stone in the entire methodology of this paper, which is to let God’s Word speak, and to point out the flaws in the traditions of men on these very critical questions, particularly where these traditions are built upon myths that came out of Babylon, Egypt, and Greece.

What really is at stake in the question of angels, Sons of God, Nephilim, and the myth of human hybrids? What difference could it possibly make if someone believes these legends? It can make the difference between believing God, trusting His self-disclosure, and bearing false witness against YHWH and His Messiah (Ps. 2:2), Christ Jesus, and betraying Him who purchased our souls with His precious blood.

People today have grown up in such an atmosphere of lawlessness, that many really believe the propagation of falsehood, the teaching of demons, is of little consequence and one is free to play around with the truth. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. As James wrote (3:1), teachers “shall incur a stricter judgment,” with those teaching falsehood liable for the effects on others from what they teach. Yes, all that we say and do has consequences, and in the case of denying the Messiah after being delivered from sin and death, is a grievous thing to do.

All of the importance will become clearer as this writing unfolds, and exposes the implications of these “Jewish myths” (Titus 1:14). It would be helpful if you can adopt an open-minded attitude so that you can hear the intended messages in scripture without two thousand plus years of accretions that have gathered and polluted bible teaching.

Perhaps it will be more impactful if you understand that I researched and investigated and published an article on the Nephilim and Rephaim over twenty-five years ago, looking at archaeology, and human remains, and a reading of scripture that did examine the Hebrew text in the original. At that time, I firmly believed, notwithstanding some scientific and archaeological problems with the thesis, that the unlawful sexual union of ‘fallen angels’ and the ‘daughters of men’ resulted in the birth of giants. In sum I wrote vigorously in favor of the angels and women theory, without adequate treatment of the opposing arguments and evidence, and worse, without substantial scriptural evidence.

It has been quite a few years now that I have realized the complete bankruptcy of this teaching on scientific, archaeological, genetic, and theological/scriptural grounds, and the consequence to the spiritual condition of the human soul. A deeper read of scripture in the context of all related biblical texts – not simply in a disconnected passage viewed on its own – has led me to the revised conclusion that the tradition of illicit angelic-human sexual relations with giant offspring is completely contradictory to the actual reading of biblical texts. Thus, I feel grateful to correct the record.

It is the objective of this writing to mine the treasury of the bible holistically which means multi-dimensionally, and set the record straight on this controversial topic so that Christians may receive a number of benefits. Those benefits include understanding who the true Sons of God are, more on the nature of the unique Son of God to understand that He would not have neglected the well-being of His own people by failing to mention so profound an issue. Also, the notion of Satan working to corrupt the blood lines of humanity, grants an importance to the flesh which contradicts Christ’s own words that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. It also works against the fundamental problem of human sin as the cause of death, replacing it with the adversary’s activity, and therefore nullifies the power of God’s Grace in Christ’s sacrifice and deliverance as Savior of the world. Further, preoccupation with the Nephilim takes one’s eyes off the prize which is Christ Jesus, reduces faith, increases the risk of fear which is evidence of absence of the Spirit, and in many ways detracts from the truth that Christ completed His work on the cross, and accomplished the deliverance of humanity from the valley of the shadow of death for all who believe.

Clearly, there are many more benefits, which it is hoped will emerge in the course of this writing, all of which compel that conclusion that the whole “biblical” myth of the angelic human offspring and Nephilim return, with even the possibility of new giants being cloned from the DNA found in giant skeletons is unquestionably the teaching of demons and extremely destructive of the precious testimony and teaching which the prophets and apostles laid down, that the apostle Paul stated was the foundation of the church of God (Eph. 2:20).


The Context of the Myth

In properly hearing God’s address in any biblical text it is absolutely crucial to answer a number of basic questions including who wrote it, when was it written, to whom was it written, what is the meaning of the words used in the passage, and what is the message that is there – with this last part often encompassing many levels, including interpretations of the message.

The apostle Peter reminded Christ’s church that “no prophecy ever was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” (2 Peter 1:21). This principle of truth not only establishes the standard for true prophetic proclamation of God, but at the same time it introduces the conversation about false prophecy, which opens up in chapter 2.

How fitting that within the very same discussion on false prophets, Peter speaks prophetically about what will come to the congregations of God, viz. that “false teachers” <pseudodidaskaloi> will secretly introduce destructive heresies. That is a subject worthy of examination, because the greatest fallout that could come from false teachings would be damage to the true faith, to the faith once delivered (Jude 3), and distortion of the knowledge of the true God and of His Christ.

This is precisely why the existence of a canon, or ‘standard,’ or ‘rule,’ is so important. It provides the measure of truth, and without a testimony to that measure of truth, differences could not be resolved. During the period of the judges in ancient Israel, the tribes of Jacob relied upon those selected by God’s Spirit, who could properly discern between good and evil and settle controversies by virtue of their knowledge of God and His Law. So the Torah is an essential testimony to God’s great goodness, and endless wonders, but also to the standard of teaching.

To wit: the citation from Isaiah in the heading of this paper states for the record that the testimony and Law (or teaching) would be bound and sealed by the disciples of the Lord. And if this were not true then endless proliferation of the witness to God and Christ would allow chaos to enter into the House of God and contradictory teachings eventually would emerge. So the faithful must come to an agreement that either we have a “corpus revelatus” or revealed body of teaching, or anyone can come in and add to or modify or subtract from the true words of the Lord.

In fact, the struggles which Timothy faced in Ephesus, which Paul addressed in both his epistles to him, and the challenges which Peter prophesied would come, and were later faced by Jude, and which Paul called “Jewish fables” in his letter to Titus, all of these proved to be “destructive heresies” (2 Peter 2:1), which threatened the “faith once delivered.” (Jude 6) What is it about these myths or fables that could be so destructive?

It would have to be something that would profane the name of the Lord, something that would impugn His nature, putting in place another Christ, and another gospel. This is exactly what they fables actually do, they scare people and cause the replacement of faith with fear, reducing the victory of Christ over the world to a battle yet to be won, not one already completed. And in very many cases, the implications of a ‘dangerous liaison’ between angels and women would nullify so many words of God in the written scriptures as to substitute faith with doubt. Angels or ‘messengers’ are spirit and simply cannot interact with the physical creation except by the “power of the air” (Eph. 2:2).

Focusing then on the addresses in 2 Peter and Jude where one finds the quotations and allusions to Enoch and Jubilees, the student of truth comes to the stark realization that these so-called ‘scriptures’ are alluded to specifically where the apostles are speaking of “false prophets” and “false teachers.” So it is not only on the basis of the canonical declaration of Isaiah 8, but on the contextual placement of these legends by the apostles and brothers of the Lord, that such stories of an angelic liaison with Adam’s daughters must be viewed as ‘legends of the fall’. This does not mean there is no angelic opposition to God – for Revelation 12 testifies to the battle – but it does mean that there was no such intermingling and creation of interspecies hybrids, with consequent evil spirits.


Extra-biblical Attestations

If it is not part of the canon which was sealed by the apostles, how can anyone use it to appeal to for corroboration? There is a reason it is not included in the word of God and if it is suspect in one part, it is suspect in the whole – not to be trusted and not to be used to bolster a position that is not well-supported in scripture.

We simply have to ask the question as to why a book was not considered canonical by the stewards of God’s Word, finally being the apostles. Toward that end we can question why the Book of Enoch was not included in the canon?

The short answer is that there is material in the extra-biblical sources that is not consistent with the testimony in scripture, and that colors the value of the entire text in question. So, in the case of 1 Enoch, while we may all believe that Jude’s quote of the Lord coming with His holy myriads can be attributed to Enoch, that cannot be used to authenticate the entire book because that book could easily use a spoken testimony that was handed down from the time of Noah. We have no record of Noah preserving any books as we find the stories recorded in Genesis, and therefore cannot count on fragments surviving to be incorporated into a larger text.

Without a good understanding of history, especially exegetical history, it is not possible to separate truth from fables which have been introduced from time to time. It is simply blasphemous to use Greek mythology, as Chuck Missler does, to corroborate a specious translation of a very ancient Hebrew text, like that we find at Genesis 6. When Greek mythology became woven into the Hebrew text of God’s word at the time of the Septuagint text, then a whole cottage industry arose, giving birth to early popular writings like 1 Enoch and Jubilees. Unfortunately, the stories in those texts betray the nature of God.

Paul labeled such yarns as Jewish myths (Titus 1:14), cautioning Titus that such belong to men who “turn away from the truth.” We would be remiss if we did not include the stories in 1 Enoch and Jubilees as just that kind of myth or fable that comes from such “empty talkers and deceivers,” who “are upsetting whole families.” (Titus 1:10-11)

For our purposes in refuting such “destructive heresies” (2 Pet. 2:1) it is essential to re-visit 2 Peter and Jude to determine their purpose in alluding to the Enoch text and just why they opened the discussion under the rubric of false prophecy and false teaching.

Let us just say that there is more at stake than a meandering legend which is not true. Rather, it encompasses a ontogeny and theology that cannot be true, and results in a portrayal of God as one who is not only NOT in control of His own creation, but who is sinning by deceiving His people, hiding books from them, and creating spirits out of illicit unions of spirit and flesh.

The Enoch story of fallen angel cohabitation – and let’s make no mistake about it, the Genesis 6 account simply does not say what is claimed – is a contradiction of Christ’s words in John, viz. that what is born of Spirit is spirit and what is born of flesh is flesh. How can anything be born between Spirit and flesh?

If this was such an abominable activity, and no one can explain the mechanism of how it happened, then why do people accept it so easily out of hand? After all, at stake is the status of demons, angels or messengers, and God’s own character which is simply denigrated by ascribing to Him certain ‘misses’ or sins in creation.

As Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, and He takes away the sin of the world, then can there be any doubt that the entire creation of sons of God is under the control of the Most High?

Einstein was convinced that God would not deal with chance – “God does not play dice with the universe.” – so why should Christians and Jews insinuate that He does by their espousal of such corrupt doctrines as that of “the fallen angels” or the cohabitation of angels with daughters of Adam? Scripture does not say either of these things occurred, so how did they arrive in the street theology of Judaism and Christianity?

It looks like such fables were very popular at the time of Jesus and that His apostles discouraged such “destructive heresies.” Any application of these pulp fiction offerings is strictly forbidden by apostolic exhortation, and if we would be true to Christ, we ought to heed the words of His servants. We will stick with the texts sealed by His disciples.

Angels and Sons of God

Perhaps it is easy for those not truly called by Christ to teach His word to adulterate it and speculate, twisting God’s truth into all sorts of abominable and destructive heresies (opinions). But for those who love God and His truth, it is simply not possible to be cavalier, resorting to Greek mythology, native American cosmology and spiritual anthropology, and Babylonian distortions, just in order to buttress a position taken before proving its truth. For them, these are just that, abominations.

In the rectification of that grave and compounded series of errors, the one who loves truth begins with God’s testimony and ends with God’s testimony – to wit, Isaiah 8:16. And for the purposes here, we go to Genesis 6 where the problem begins – especially in terms of mistranslation, in light of the loss of Hebrew which occurred in Babylon – and also to Job 1, a text that has been misused to attribute an ontological status to angels that is simply unwarranted. The conclusion that we will arrive at here is a very simple one: angels or messengers are not “Sons of God.” They are spirits and messengers, created to serve the Father and to serve His creation at His behest (see Heb. 1:14 above).

Let us turn to the section of Genesis which forms the larger context for Genesis 6, and it is the heading title of an actual book, although the later separation into chapters and verses has lost this header in the process. Indeed, context is critical and nothing is correctly considered apart from it. Let’s examine Genesis 5:1-2 with some help from the excellent linguistic work of Fabre D’Olivet:

This is the book of the generations of Adam, in the day Elohim created Adam; in the likeness of Elohim he made His selfsameness. Male and female He created them; and He blessed them and called their name Adam, in the day when he created them.

And so it is with other sections of Genesis that give us the boundaries of our topic of consideration, e.g. “these are the generations of Noah” (Gen. 6:9), and “these are the generations of the sons of Noah” (Gen. 10:1); and there are other similar division headings in Genesis, going as far as Jacob in chapter 37.

What is so germane to the examination of the sons of God found in Genesis 6:2 is that all of these classes of Man [Heb. Adam], namely Nephilim, Gibborim, and B’nai Elohim, must all fall within the generations of Adam. They are not generations of angels!!! All of the peoples born in that period are generations of Man, they are the product of flesh, not Spirit. YHWH even declares: My Spirit shall not strive with man for the immensity of time; because he is corporeal his days shall be one hundred twenty.

But the real lynch pin of this argument that angels had no part in this story is given in verse 7, and it is the words of YHWH Himself, and His Word is unequivocal!

And YHWH said, “I will blot out Man whom I have created from the face of the ground, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Please note carefully that it is God who made all of “The Adam,” the collective reality of Man, and it is not the product of God’s creation. He is the Creator and He plainly states that fact. There is no other (cf. Isaiah 45:7, 46:9), and to introduce another creative agent such as “fallen angels” is to profane the name of God, and to slander His omnipotence, His omniscience, His unbounded Love, and to make a statement that He is suspect, not in control of His own universe, and that created beings can sneak around and do things while He is powerless to stop it.

Such people do the work of the adversary, Ha-Satan, whose name means ‘opposer,’ which describes just what that one’s job is. His job is to be in opposition to all God does, and to also slander as the NT term diabolos indicates, meaning ‘slanderer.’

To introduce another creative agent, misinterpreting the term “Sons of God” and mis-translating and misappropriating the class term Nephilim – a class of human beings that is later seen in the promised land in a number of different tribes of peoples – a sign of depraved thinking that acts out of greed, and titillation, and would rather develop a following than to search out the truth of the Most High God.

It was the Greek translators commissioned by Ptolemy for the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew scrolls of the Old Testament who introduced the concept of giants, using the Greek word gigantes. In contrast, Nephilim has been rendered by more serious scholars who examine the etymology carefully, and been translated as “the distinguished” (Concordant Version), and as the “elect amongst men, the noble illustrious ones” (Fabre D’Olivet) and these meanings are more consistent with the Hebrew verb forms related to the actual noun nephilim.


Even if ‘fallen ones’ turned out to be the most correct translation of the word, there is nothing to indicate they are ‘fallen angels.’ On the contrary, the structure of that verse (Gen. 6:4), distinguishes Nephilim from the Sons of God, and Numbers 13:33 corroborates that these men are sons of Adam, there in Numbers as “sons of Anak.” Thus it would appear that Nephilim referred to a class of men, and in the arcane knowledge of Hebrew Moses used, which is now lost to us, lays a much greater story.

These Nephilites are in the words of Fabre D’Olivet: “men distinguished from others by their power and strength.” (Hebraic Tongue Restored, p. 178 ff. footnote) Clearly, the translators saw in them something that only existed in their imagination and were unable to get the true sense of the ancient hieroglyphic of Moses and they simply used the Greek word gigantes.

The story of Genesis 6 is one in which the Adamic Sons of God, those who sought Him and followed the teaching handed down by Adam all the way to Noah, were thoroughly corrupted. Even the Sons of God became fleshly-minded (not to mention those who were not seeking the Creator), looking on the surface of women, objectifying them, and “taking all whom they chose.” And the product of this physical proclivity of mind, a preoccupation with the flesh, was a class of men who were mighty and interested in asserting themselves over others. Such were the Gibborim, the mighty ones, and that class of Man does re-appear after the flood with the figure of Nimrod who was a mighty one against the face of the Lord.

It is NOT a story of angels co-habiting with women. Simply consider Psalm 104:4 “He makes His angels spirits, His servants flames of fire.” The angels are spiritual, which come and go like the wind and no one knows whence they come and where they go – the words of Christ Himself! Who gave any angels the power to materialize? They are not fleshly, and they are not creators, but they are messengers and servants according to several psalms, and they are subject to the one and only Sovereign, YHWH, the Most High. Any other teaching on this subject makes God’s many statements doubtful and calls into question that very sovereignty. God is the ‘Subjector,’ that is the true meaning of Elohim. He is the only ‘Subjector’ a fact attested to by Isaiah (46:9).

If He is the only Subjector, then for angels to have come in to the daughters of Adam, then He, YHWH, would have had to be intimately involved in facilitating the normally impossible, making the spirits fleshly. We have no biblical testimony to this effect. Worse yet, if God had done that then He would have sanctified with birth, the unholy union.

How many ways are there to say this? IT SIMPLY DID NOT HAPPEN. It is a fiction and error of thinking and translation and a monumental failure to know God.

This gross error has been compounded over millennia, and now is exploited by the greed of deceiving men, false teachers who are not concerned with the truth, but only of lining their own pockets with filthy lucre. They would take people captive to falsehood which they know is not in the biblical record of the true Word of God. Their aim is to captivate the weak-minded and to appeal to their gross fleshly-mindedness and to capitalize on those lower human tendencies. Their end is destruction just as Peter prophesied.

That is why Peter called such fables “destructive heresies,” because not only will people argue and divide from one another, but they will take their eyes off of Christ Jesus and the NT focus of growing in godliness. Finally, and this is most grave, they will lose their faith, eventually denying the Master who bought them (2 Pet. 2:1), because they are now believing in a God who is not in charge, is not all-powerful and has a competitor in creation. YHWH has no competition, He is the Creator, and there is no other.

The myth of fallen angels – and it will become necessary to treat this broader issue below in examining the fruit of this poisonous tree – has become a major doctrine within large segments of Christendom, and is almost universally accepted as a fact, even by those who see the Book of Enoch as fiction. The gospel of Jesus Christ has become neglected because of this ear-tickling series of fables. And God’s sovereignty has been overthrown in the conscious and sub-conscious minds of the multitudes.

And this leads to a loss of trust, and loss of trust leads to unbelief, and unbelief must finally result in the denial of God’s power for salvation – the Gospel itself becomes lost!


Distorting the Word in Job

Perhaps many will go along and agree that, well, yes, the Book of Enoch is clearly far-fetched and not to be trusted, even if it contains a presumed quote from the patriarch which may have survived in the oral transmission of God’s teaching.

Nonetheless, many people will still shore up the defenses of their non-scriptural position that angels are “Sons of God” by going to Job chapter 1 to state definitively that “there is the proof.” Aha, the day set aside for the Sons of God to come into God’s presence. And what proof is that?

In the congregations of God, the sons of God do come into God’s Presence on a weekly basis. Here, there is nothing to distinguish these as ‘angelic sons of God;’ something which is pure fiction. Perhaps this was a Sabbath gathering at which were gathered Job and all his friends and neighbors, and the spirit of the adversary came into that midst.

But actually, Job’s friend Eliphaz helps us in chapter 4 with more insight to consider. Out of the mouth of Eliphaz come words which are surely from the great “Slanderer.” In verse 18 we read, “He puts no trust in His servants, and against His angels <malakim> He charges error.” This is a lie. God even trusts the evil spirits to do as He bids them, to wit: 1 Kings 22:19-22, in which a lying spirit goes forth from the Lord to deceive Ahab, as a part of the testing of Ahab.

God sends forth His spirits, and all are subject to Him. That is why the spirits in the abyss, who are released when a messenger brings down the Key of the Abyss, must remain there. All life is in His hand, and all life must do as they are moved to do, with the Lord guiding the steps. A man’s heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps (Prov. 16:9).

So this begs the question: does the Lord need to trust when He is in control of the universe? All He does is according to the counsel of His will, and He works all to the good, as is seen and understood by those who love Him (Rom. 8).

And we are reminded again of Einstein’s words: “God does not play dice with the universe.” It would not be a loving God who would leave it all up to chance, or to gamble on His servants. As God He compels all to do as He bids them – even to Judas fulfilling the commission of betrayal. God could not leave it up to Judas, but had to have Satan enter into him, to ensure that the deed would be done.

But Job provides several decisive texts which indicate just the opposite of what pseudodidaskaloi (false teachers) such as Chuck Missler have stated that they signify, such as affirming that angels are Sons of God. Job really does just the opposite. Sons of God entering into the presence of God at an appointed time, as Israel was to do on the Sabbath actually serves to create a solid distinction. Satan also entering among them discloses in an understated manner that Satan is NOT a Son of God. He is “the opposer,” an accuser, created by God as an adversary, a sinner from the beginning, and not a son.

Yet, Job 38 is most definitive in demarking the different categories of ‘being’ among God’s creatures. The words of verse seven declare the response to God’s creation of earth:

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?   .   .   .

When the morning stars sang together,

And all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4a, 7)

In the strophe portraying worshipers, two distinct classes of beings are mentioned, “morning stars” and “sons of God.” The book of Revelation helps to more clearly define these linguistic icons, with stars being revealed to signify angels, or more precisely, ‘messengers’ (Rev. 1:20, 12:4). In keeping with the text in Hebrews 1:14 referenced above, we know that messengers are sent for the sake of those who inherit salvation. But there are different types of beings, and some will shine like the firmament and others like the distant stars (Daniel 12). As Paul tells the Corinthians, even star differs from star in glory.

The nuances of all of these spiritual terms used in God’s word are complicated by the fact that Jesus Christ is called a messenger, aka angelos or angel, and He also calls Himself a bright, morning star. Thus, for purposes of penetrating more deeply into the truth of the ‘Sons of God,’ it behooves us to go directly for a couple of the most neglected passages in scripture when it comes to this subject. For the false teachers who are purveying all sorts of pagan mysticism, ET information, the giants, transhumanism, and all of the worldly fables which the apostle Paul exhorted Timothy (1 Tim. 4:7-16) to reject. Apparently, modern Christian evangelists think they know better than Paul and we will expose the fallacy of their thinking a bit more in the following section.


The Sons of God

In Hebrews 5:19 the reader is told that solid food is for the mature, “who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” And that is precisely what we are dealing with when it comes to this teaching, it is solid food, and it is designed to lead to godliness, not endless speculations about extraterrestrials and the testimony of indigenous cultures around the globe, and ‘legends of the fall’ from Greek mythology, NO, we are talking about THE WORD OF GOD!

Let’s look at the very sublime and enigmatic word of Hebrews 7. There we encounter a king named Melchizedek who meets Abraham as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings. And this is no ordinary king, and verse 4 says “how eminent is this one.” As a witness to just how poor are most translations we have, virtually all insert the word ‘man’ in this verse though it cannot be found. For the diligent seeker of truth would ask, how this can be a man in view of the foregoing verse:

Fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest for all time. (Heb. 7:3, emphasis added)

Here at last we find a concrete example of one who is a son of God but not the Son of God, who is made in the likeness of the one through whom and for whom all things were created (Col. 1:16), who is king of Salem, the city which pre-dated Jerusalem, and who is not a son of Adam. He is a son of God.

With no “beginning of days,” this Melchizedek fits the bill for one of the ‘Sons of God’ in Job 38 who rejoiced when the foundations of the earth were laid. And what a contrast he makes – recognized for his glory instantly by the great patriarch Abraham – to the sorry, worn-out, imaginary figures of angelic “sons of God” who fell. Where is the fall recorded? There is nothing recorded about a ‘fall’ in the entire Old Testament. Not until Revelation 12 do we see Satan and his angels cast out of heaven. What then of the fall? This is why we must deal with these spurious ‘legends of the fall.’

There needs a careful examination of the various ontological categories which God Himself created, and not the traditions of men. In scripture we find sarafim, ‘fiery ones,’ and kerubim, ‘covering ones,’ and malachim, ‘messengers’ (aka angels), and kokebei boker, ‘stars of morning,’ b’nei Elohim, sons of God, and in the NT presbyteroi, ‘elders.’

Paul writes the Corinthians about the glories of the various bodies and how even star differs from star in glory (1 Cor. 15). There are more categories of beings with multitudes of hosts serving the Most High God. So looking at the name which seems more exalted in many ways, viz. ‘Son of God,’ we see only beautiful evidence of their glorious love for and service to the Father.

In Job 38:7 which is cited above, note once again that the word ‘all’ is highlighted. Does God mean what He says, or should proud man take liberties with His Word???? It is all the Sons of God who are shouting with joy and applause at God’s handiwork. There are no rebellious Sons of God lurking in the corner skulking and cursing God. For those who want to hold on to an angelic rebellion prior to the creation of the world, it is definitely not squaring with the testimony of Job – arguably the oldest book of the Bible. For here, all morning stars and all sons of God are united in joy and worship of God. Only Satan, “the Opposer,” seems to be working counter purposes with YHWH.

In Genesis 14 where the figure of Melchizedek is introduced does he appear as an opposer of God? No, for he is a priest of the Most High God and he blesses Abram.

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.) And he blessed him and said,

“Blessed be Abram by God Most High <El Elyon>,

Possessor of the heavens and the earth;

And blessed be God Most High <El Elyon>,

Who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” (Gen. 14:18-20)

This truly mystifying figure from Abrahamic times, before the Mosaic revelations, is blessing Abraham – and consequently his offspring – in the name of Elyon, the Most High, and he is a priest, and he has no earthly genealogy. How sad that Christendom has never really plumbed the depths of this treasure, and has left it for the New Age Movement to plunder and savage; especially in view of the obvious foreshadowing of the Lord’s supper, the Passover feast re-configured for the body and blood of Christ. It was with this communion that Melchizedek blessed the entire Abrahamic seed in the name of the God Most High, El Elyon.

In that pilfering of one of God’s primordial, pre-terrestrial Sons by various Christian denominations and New Age fellowships, we are left with the denigrating of God’s name that goes with it.  There is much evil that comes of this mindless, fruitless speculation, and much of it distorts and defames the name of God, as Elohim then becomes attributable to the adversary, as more than one presumptuous commentator and internet prophet has claimed that the serpent is the Elohim who created man into these snakeskins. What an abomination! What does that say to Psalm 33 (cf. Isaiah 46:9 – “I am Elohim, there is not another”):

By the word of YHWH the heavens were made,

And by the Spirit of His mouth all their host.

For He spoke, and it was done;

He commanded, and it stood fast. (Ps. 33: 6,9)

The Most High does all, and all flows from Him. To introduce a competitor, someone else who can subject creation, who has sovereignty, is to blaspheme His holy name, and to demean His eternal Godhood. This is the secret to the abomination of idolatry.

Returning then to the immediate question regarding Sons of God, it is really crucial that we take the scriptural material which is rather sparse, without trying to fill it in with a lot of speculation or the traditions of men, no matter what culture begat them.

Thus far, looking at Genesis 14, Job 1, 4, and 38, Hebrews 1 and 5, and Romans 8, there is absolutely no evidence for a view of angelic sons of God. There is also nothing on an angelic rebellion, and that notwithstanding that Paul says we shall judge angels, and also that Peter speaks of angels held in dense darkness until judgment. Angels are messengers and their function is to serve at the good pleasure of YHWH, their creator. Angels who are cast down with Satan are those engaged in a spiritual/mental battle of opposing God in principle and following Satan whose job it is to oppose God.

Notice while we are on the topic of rebellion and opposition, how many Sons of God are grumbling in the corner? We see Melchizedek blessing God, and we see all Sons of God rejoicing in the creation, and also all morning stars singing together. Where is the disunity at creation?

As a final note on this contrived identity of ‘angels’ aka ‘messengers’ and ‘sons of God’ we can simply reflect on the fact that we do not mean the same thing in English when we use the words ‘son’ and ‘angel;’ or even ‘son’ and ‘messenger.’ If we cannot preserve some unity and coherence of meaning with every word we use, then we will attain a state of miscommunication that would look like the tower of Babel on steroids. To that perhaps we should add that God might be ever more precise than we are, given that He knows all the stars by name and counts every hair on our heads. To play fast and loose with His word choice is to destroy God’s word by imposing our own word salad, overturning the greatly diversified wisdom of God, with the wisdom of man which is foolishness to God.


Origins of The Myth of the Fallen Watchers

The false teachers who are busy selling books and DVDs, packing auditoriums with the hungry masses yearning to have their ears tickled, are not concerned enough for the truth to go to the origins of what they teach. They only go back to the earliest book within the text of 1 Enoch, The Book of the Watchers. There is much in this part of Enoch that is clearly false, that it begs the question of what warrants reference to such a deeply flawed text. Moreover, there are disagreements in the story of the fallen angels, between the version in Enoch and the version in Jubilees. And then there is the most serious issue of the canonical vacuum in the Old Testament of any story of the fall of angels. In Job there is only Satan opposed to God, but all the others are rejoicing in God’s revealed creation.

A close examination of the story in The Book of the Watchers shows an obvious derivation from Greek mythology, where the Titans were born to the gods with the Titans taking women for wives, who in turn bore giants, who were mighty men. Homer and Hesiod write of these myths, and their writings predate any recorded Hebrew accounts by at least 500-600 years. Prior to the Second Temple period, there simply was no teaching of this fallen watcher story in Judaism. Therefore, when we come to the rise of these fables in early Christianity, the trajectory is clear, and the variance from the Word of God so sharp, that Peter, Jude and Paul all felt moved to address the heresy.

While Paul’s message to Titus is unequivocal about false prophets, the challenge which 1 Enoch and Jubilees pose to the Ekklesia is complicated by the ways in which both Peter and Jude employed the fictional texts to make their own points. In resolving this question we may be assured that the bible is not inconsistent, and is not recommending destructive heresies, nor are Peter and Jude endorsing any support whatsoever for extra-biblical sources, nor anything to be used as an argument that Satan is stronger than God and succeeded in excluding the Book of Enoch from scripture to hide his dirty deeds – indeed this would make God a weakling and a liar by virtue of Isa. 8:16 where we learn that the disciples actually ‘seal’ the testimony of God.

First, in 2 Peter 2, Peter embarks on a discussion about false prophets who arose among the people, just as false teachers will arise in the congregations of God. Under this heading of false prophets, like the rubric in a worship liturgy, all things must be contextualized, for it is like a chapter heading. And the heading for this chapter is actually false prophecy and false teaching.

Similarly for Jude, the myth of the fallen Watchers from 1 Enoch and Jubilees as attested to by Peter is the heading of a section on a problem which has become more prevalent in his time than it was in Peter’s. It is now a current challenge to the teaching that leads to holiness, and not a future event in the way Peter had depicted it.

This mythology became woven into Second Temple Judaism and a strong reason why Peter, Paul, and Jude discouraged it – for its roots were in Greek mythology and the notion of Tartarus originated before the time of Homer and Hesiod, before Israel was taken in captivity to Babylon. By the time of Second Temple worship and the LXX translation under Ptolemy, the influence of Greek thought was strong, even as the Greek language had imported meanings into Hebrew/Aramaic. Distinct from the peculiarly Hebrew conceptions of Sheol and Gehenna, Tartarus nonetheless depicted a prison reserved for enemies of the gods.

The Hebrew conception of death is a final one, which must wait for resurrection to attain life once again. There is no punishment after life is over, no torment, no consciousness, and this is quite directly found in numerous places such as psalm 146. Again this will prove important later as we contend with the presumed liberation of demonic spirits from the bodies of the giants who perished in the flood. This is a myth in wide circulation among certain strains of evangelical Christianity. But the afterlife is a very troubling denial of the reliability of the Word of God. There is no holding place like Tartarus where souls exist in some conscious state of torment and distance from God.

Do not trust in princes,

In a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.

His spirit departs, he returns to the earth;

In that very day his thoughts perish. (Ps 146:3-4)

For the fate of the sons of man and the fate of the beast is a single fate. As one dies so dies the other, and all have a single spirit, and man’s advantage over the beast is naught, for everything is mere breath. Everything goes to a single place. Everything was from the dust and everything goes back to the dust. Who knows whether man’s spirit goes upward and the beast’s spirit goes down to the earth? (Eccl. 3:19-21, trans. Robert Alter, p. 357)

For the living know that they will die, and the dead know nothing, and they no longer have recompense, for their memory is forgotten. Their love and their hatred as well, their jealousy, too, are already lost, and they no longer have any share forever in all that is done under the sun. (Eccl. 9:5, trans. Robert Alter, The Wisdom Books, p. 378, emphasis added)

Now that expresses the finality of death from the Hebrew perspective. How different that is from that view of death and the afterlife found in Greek mythology. Since this pertains to the current discussion on the fate of departed “fallen angels” we need to make a closer inspection of Tartarus.

Let us look at a research article on this subject, “Tartarus in Classical Greco-Roman Mythology, Apocalyptic Judaism, and Early Christianity,” by Joseph Trevor Antley.

Second Temple Jews understood the “sons of God” to be angels, evidenced in some LXX translations and other Jewish writings. The Genesis account, however, does not mention the angels’ punishment or allude to Tartarus in any way. It exists merely as the setting from which the expanded myth, which included Tartarus, would derive from. The earliest extant form of the myth that includes the angels’ imprisonment is the Book of the Watchers in 1 Enoch, which dates to the second or third century B.C. (p.2)

While based on a much older Near Eastern tradition, the fleshed-out myth of the imprisonment of the Watchers is by-and-large the product of apocalyptic Jews from the Second Temple period, albeit derived from Greek mythology. Again, Antley makes the point:

Like Homer, the Old Testament recognizes only a single realm of the Underworld, called in Hebrew sheol and translated as hades in the Septuagint. The concept of post-mortal punishment did not exist in ancient Israelite thought and appears nowhere in the Old Testament. Rather, it is widely recognized that the concept of divine punishment in the afterlife is a Greek invention. 1 Enoch, which popularized Tartarus in apocalyptic Jewish circles and later in early Christianity, with its specific descriptions of the punishment of the angels, was most certainly influenced by this Greek form of thought. (p.10)

Thus, it is the Greek story of the gods who gave birth to the Titans, with the Titans mating with women and producing giants which were the might men of myth that actually served as the source material which became “read into” the Genesis 6 story of the Sons of God and daughters of Adam. And from that time forward, both Judaism and Christianity have struggled with these ‘Jewish myths’ and ‘worldly fables.’ They have insidiously corrupted a true sense of God’s infinite goodness and control over His own creation, which undermines the trust and faith in God which His children should have; but we will return to this subject in the next section.

Returning to the reference to Tartaros in 2 Peter 2:4, we can now discern the genius of the Apostle Peter under inspiration by the Holy Spirit. Simply by using the word ‘Tartaros’ – this he employs in a verbal form, tartaroo, ‘to cast into Tartaros – he telegraphs a message that there are Greek myths afoot that have been introduced by false prophets, such as those who authored 1 Enoch and Jubilees. According to the Greek mythology this is the place the Titans were held for punishment. And now there will be false teachers to continue these destructive heresies – for whom these destructions would be waiting, if those tales had been true.

However, there is a variance in these pseudepigraphical works of Second Temple Judaism. In 1 Enoch the ‘fallen Watchers’ are punished forever, while in Jubilees they are held until judgment. From this the reader can readily see that both Peter and Jude are alluding to both of these fictitious extrabiblical works, while the version of Tartaros to which they both appeal is the version from Jubilees where the Watchers (read ‘fallen angels’) are being held for judgment.

The studious reader of Scripture can readily see that there is no story in the Old Testament where we find angels falling. As mentioned above, the oldest book of the bible, Job, only shows ‘morning stars’ and ‘sons of God’ rejoicing together and praising God. Moreover, in the New Testament it is not until half way through the last seven years of the age that Michael does battle with the dragon and his angels, and then there is no longer any place for them in Heaven, and they are cast down. Satan was created as “the Opposer,” which is the meaning of his name, and he has been sinning from the beginning. God made him to be a slanderer of God; and all He does as a foil serves to contrast the extraordinary graciousness of God with the void found apart from God, like the waste and emptiness found in earth in Genesis 1.

The conclusion of the matter, in light of the scriptural witnesses, is that there was no fall, no immoral intercourse between angels and women, no offspring in the form of giants, and no evil spirits released when the flood destroyed wicked humanity. And all of these consequences are touched upon in that late apocalyptic Jewish literature which has greatly altered the revealed story of creation and salvation. We must choose between a God who created evil spirits to do His bidding and accomplish good, such as YHWH did with King Saul when He sent an evil spirit to him, or a God who lies to us, telling us that at death man and beast go back to the dust, but just in the case of the ‘giants,’ they had evil spirits in them, and when they died in the flood it set those evil spirits loose to terrorize humanity; and these spirits are not under God’s control, but free to do what they will. This means God is NOT ‘Sovereign’ over His own universe and not loving enough to tell us so.

Thus the upshot of these myths is that belief in them denies the true God, Ha-Elohim, YHWH, and renders Him to be at the mercy of His own creation. Either that, or He simply ‘missed the mark,’ which would make God a sinner, by definition. Either way, we are stuck with unacceptable consequences. So what is truly evil, is the propagation of these fables so as to slander God, serving the agenda of the Devil (Gk. ‘slanderer’). And it is hard to imagine a sin worse than slandering our maker, bringing Him into disrepute among the nations, profaning His name, which was the charge God laid against Israel that led to such harsh consequences for them.

These so-called “Jewish fables” are the product of Greek mythology distorting biblical teaching, and call for deep investigation as to why Peter called them “destructive heresies,” and what are the destructive effects on communities of faith. This is a major crisis in our time, the period which Paul prophesied to Timothy would come in later times (1 Tim. 4, 2 Tim. 3).

And in these latter days, we find even more egregious embellishments to these wicked tales, “destructive heresies,” which the mind of modern man has conjured up out of a Satanic technology gone wild. For example, because of the rapid rise of genomics, people of the ilk of Tom Horn, Rob Skiba and other false teachers in this unique clique within the congregation of “the enemies of the cross” are telling people that in the scientific laboratories of the powers of darkness, the global elite, they will have their lackeys clone the DNA from giant skeletons found around the world, and will create living giants which will terrorize humanity so that the words of Jesus are fulfilled “as it was in the days of Noah . . .” (Matt. 24:37-39).

But what did Jesus really mean about the days of Noah, seen in the context of the preceding and following verses? Quite simply that all manner of people will not believe in prophecy (cf. 2 Pet. 3) the way that Noah’s neighbors ignored his warnings, and they will continue with their life in the flesh, so that when Christ returns, they will be swept away as were those fleshly sons of Adam at the time of the great flood.

Tom Horn specializes in scaring people about AI (artificial intelligence), robotics and genetic engineering all wedded together for our destruction. And the whole group tends to dwell on this nonsense of “corruption of our DNA” by the demon seed of Satan, the seed of Cain, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Question for these false teachers: If Paul wrote that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50), then are you saying that your blasphemous speculation nullifies the words of Scripture and corruption of the DNA will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus and keep our spirits out of the kingdom from whence we are to receive new bodies to conform with His glorious body?

What do you have to say to this, oh presumptuous teacher of the doctrines of demons:

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:38-39, emphasis added)

Or what can you say about the plans of man in his laboratories of delusion in light of what God’s Word says about it

YHWH nullifies the counsel of the nations;

            He frustrates the plans of the peoples.

The counsel of YHWH stands forever,

            The plans of His heart from generation to generation.

(Ps. 33:10-11, emphasis added)

Are we to fear the plans of the peoples and thereby play false to the Spirit of the Lord, where there is no fear? Or are we to rejoice in the knowledge that He is bringing to naught these vain miscreants made to oppose Him?

Can people seriously believe this “worldly fable” (1 Tim. 4:7-16) – which Paul says to Timothy should be ignored in favor of training oneself for holiness – over all of the glorious spiritual blessings which we have received in the heavenly places (Eph. 1:3)?  Certainly they can. This writer believed it for many years.

If anyone believes these nonsensical tales, then they cannot believe in the God of Jesus Christ, and they glorify the adversary and all demons for mounting a serious threat to His Godhood and Rulership. Those who believe such destructive heresies simply do not love the truth and so will be misled when that man of lawlessness, that son of destruction, appears on the scene. Then they will receive the reward of which Peter speaks: “even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.” (2 Pet 2:1)

The Concordant Version renders it thus:

Yet there came~ to be false prophets also among the people, as among you also there will be false teachers anyone who will be smuggling in destructive sects, even disowning the Owner buying them, bringing on themselves swift destruction. (2 Pet 2:1)

This prophetic word of Peter should be a stern enough warning to dissuade these prophets of doom, these teachers of demonic doctrines, but apparently God’s Word does not grab them and so they will bring upon themselves the promised destruction. The veil of delusion which God brings over their eyes will cause them to receive the antichrist. To this, Paul likewise bore testimony to the church in Thessalonica (2 Thess. 2).


Consequences for the Ekklesia

            To grasp the full impact of these worldly fables and Jewish myths, we have examined the theological ramifications in terms of corrosion of the faith by damage to the “Name of God” which is His Glory and His very Being. That is to say, such heresies undercut and bring in subconscious and conscious doubts, inspiring unspoken questions like “what kind of God?” If God has not told us the full story about angels and women, the flood and demons, and been unable to secure to us the full testimony of His Word, and has been uncertain as to the choices His messengers would make, then how can we trust Him in the more important questions regarding His ability to save our souls? How can He be “God who gives life to all things”? (1 Tim. 6:13)

But we need to examine the effect on congregations in the Body of Christ. And certainly the faith of congregations is tied to the faith of members, which makes this the most grievous consequence of believing in “deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1-2).

Of critical import is also the loss of training for godliness which is the object of teaching and training as Paul wrote to Timothy (1 Tim. 4:7-10) and there is a threat to the fixing of “our hope on the living God, who is Savior of all men, especially believers.” The worldly fables that are part of the teaching of demons erode the solid hope in God and His action for our salvation. And in terms of conducting the spiritual coordination of the body of Christ, Paul saw how these “myths and endless genealogies” result in “mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith. (1 Tim. 1:4).

In his second epistle to Timothy Paul warned him that a time will come when people will want their ears tickled and will not endure sound teaching and will turn their ears away from the truth, turning aside to myths (2 Tim. 4:3-4). This will bring other teachers and other teachings that will corrupt the truth in the houses of God, and there will no longer be sound doctrine to unify the community in the body of Christ.

Other effects were seen as risks looming because of “rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers . . . who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not, for the sake of sordid gain.” (Titus 1:10-11) Fear is an evil, corrosive thread which is introduced by these story tellers who claim they are only trying to prepare Christians for what is coming. But even if that were so – and it is manifestly not – they can only help prepare people for the worst by training the congregation for godliness, helping people grow in their relationship with God, learning how to take refuge in the Lord. This they do not do, and they have thousands of people fearful of what is going to happen with giants, ETs, artificial intelligence, and the like.

Jude, speaking to the circumcision, saw the division created by the mockers who “have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam” (v. 11) which is the spirit of false prophecy and leads the whole congregation away into division, grumbling, and into rebellion against the leadership as did those with Korah (vv. 11-16). Of course Jude prescribes the remedy which is found in praying in the Holy Spirit and keeping in the Love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of Jesus Christ to deliverance into aeonial life. (v. 20-21)

Peter had identified these same problems, very likely prior to Jude writing, and so he addressed it at length in his second epistle, which is quoted at length above. Peter found destruction of authority, rebellion, division where there is no division, making the congregation to be slaves of corruption, getting the body entangled in the defilements of the world, e.g. money, political affairs, other forms of idolatry, and especially discrediting messengers – speaking abusively of angelic (messengerly) glories – which is slander and results in the spiritual dissolution of the congregation as the body gives way to false teaching.

How fitting to finish with Peter, “the rock,” who really highlights the ultimate danger for the congregation which is the denying of the Master who bought them. And that is why this chief of apostles devotes what we have as all of chapter two to “false prophets.” And it is their “destructive heresies,” which usher in the demise of the congregation in a way that is secretly accomplishing destruction in a way almost unnoticeable at first.

What more is there to say about the dire results of allowing these voices to attain credibility in our midst? Paul is unequivocal: “they must be silenced.” This is not a violent prescription but one which would involve a unified voice of the body to discredit those who actually are not called by Christ to be teachers, and who have no business delineating the definitive meaning of any passages of God’s word. They are motivated by greed, and for the sake of the little ones, they do need to be put out of business, which means discouraging purchase of their corrosive teaching materials, books, DVDs etc. and handing them over to Satan for instruction, back to the world that there might be some chance of saving their spirit in the day of judgment (cf. 1 Cor. 5:5).

This is just a thumbnail sketch of what the damage will be to congregations if this kind of false prophecy and false teaching is allowed to reign in Christian houses of worship. There are plenty more potential catastrophes, not the least of which is that all of these destructive heresies will contribute to congregations going along with the man of lawlessness who will easily convince those who have their discernment dulled by these greedy men posing as ministers of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:13-15). If they supplant the teachings of Paul, then the mystery of iniquity will finally destroy those congregations who do not love the truth and they will be counted with the son of destruction.



The Revealing of the Sons of God – Romans 8

            As a final word on this exploration of the ‘Sons of God,’ we would be remiss to not speak of Romans chapter eight which completely bolsters the arguments in this paper and brings us to a final manifestation of the teleology of God’s creation of Man. It is not to create beasts who are comfortable in the field, but glorious sons who are like the angels, created a little lower perhaps, but lifted up above the messengers in glory.

Having mentioned above that an inner spiritual definition of ‘Sons of God’ is one in which they are those who are led by God’s Spirit (Rom. 8:14), we can now see the unity between the earthly and the heavenly that will grow to fullness when there is a glorification of those Sons of God from earth.

In a poetic transposition from Job 38, where the sons of God rejoice when the foundations of the earth are laid, we now have the earth in turn waiting eagerly for ‘a revealing,’ ‘an uncovering,’ of that which is hidden. It will be a manifestation that requires a glorification, “for we shall be like Him.” (1 John 3:2)

Here, then, we see that for the whole body of Christ, House of Israel and people of the nations  alike, there is a moment of glorification, it is the secret of which Paul spoke to the Romans:

For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren; and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.” (Romans 8:29-30)

and Peter spoke of it in his first epistle to those of Israel scattered in the diaspora:

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen [Elect], according to the foreknowledge of God, the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, that you may obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood . . . to an inheritance imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you . . . that the proof of your faith, more precious than gold which perishes, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1Pet.1:1-2,4,7)

Thus shall this age, this aeon, come to its close with a glorification of sons that shall precede the indignation, the day of wrath, and shall complete that which was ordained in the beginning before the foundation of the world. Those with father and mother, with earthly lineage and origin, shall become one with Melchizedek and other heavenly sons of God who were made in the likeness of Christ Jesus, and had no father, no mother, no genealogy, no beginning or end of days.

The glorified sons of God, revealed when Christ Jesus returns upon the clouds will put to rest the myths of fallen sons of God, “fallen angels,” manifesting for all to see the glory of brothers of the firstborn and establishing for the ages that God accomplishes all that He wills, all that He sets out to do.

He did not create sons who fell, but sons who must be disciplined to be received as sons. Gone will be the myths and worldly fables that God must battle His own creation; that He works on the defense and plots His moves as He watches what humanity and the demonic realms do. The glorified sons of God will herald a fully restored faith in the Most High as the One who has all power and who works all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11).

Of course creation groans for this because in the revelation of the sons of God will come the signal that creation itself will also be set free from slavery to corruption. In the victory of Christ in Man, will also be seen the victory of Christ in the whole field – the entire field, or order, of the heavens and the earth – which He bought with His precious blood. And the sons of God, His brothers, will set their shoulder to the plow, so to speak, in sowing new seeds of harmony and restoration as God continues in the grand march of the aeons to bring about the totality of His creation being unified in Him. And they will work in the judgment of angels to establish a fuller knowledge of God and Christ in the messengers so that they know God for the all loving Creator He has been from the beginning, and will be until the ages of the ages.