The Lord is My Shepherd

The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Lord is My Shepherd

In the most beloved psalm of all time, King David speaks of our life in this shadow realm, walking in the world which lies entirely in the shadow of death. And though we are surrounded by our enemies, God prepares a table from which we eat the manna from Heaven, the Life in Christ.

And in spite of the evil of the age, our Lord, the Good Shepherd, leads us in the goodness of life, and beckons us to come unto Him, we who are weary and heavy laden He gives us rest by leading us up to the living waters, where we shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

It is prophecy par excellence of the entirety of God’s Plan in Christ, poetically rendered in simple complexity wherein those whom the Lord has chosen are anointed such that their cup overflows.

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