Hello world!

We stand on the frontier of an entire global transformation unlike any disruption since the days of Noah. It will be the first allotment of the victory which occurred 2000 years ago; a victory which seemed like a defeat from the human perspective but which will reap its harvest very soon. Yes, the day of the Lord is near!

And the day of the Lord sweeps away iniquity and ushers in the next aeon, or age. But how much time is left in the present age before the millennial kingdom on earth? Good question, and it is one which responsible teachers would not dare to pin down to a day or hour.

But we do know the season and we know unequivocal signs that must precede the return of Christ.

Our ‘Days to Come‘ section will deal with Daniel, Revelation, Matthew, Thessalonians, and all of the major and minor prophets who were given visions or Words concerning the final days.

East and West are currently becoming further antagonized by each other — a condition that appears to be governed by the powers of this world darkness that would embroil the nations in a war which would serve as a pretext for the entry of a new world leader, a long awaited man, named by Paul as the ‘man of lawlessness.’

This leader will be from the House of David, will not respect the Elohim of his fathers, so clearly from the House of Israel. He will win his position by intrigue and become head of an entire world system we know as Babylon. But he will rule from Jerusalem, it appears. After the Temple of God has been restored and operated for the House of Israel, he will eventually desecrate it and turn it into an abomination. At this point the abomination of desolation of which Jesus spoke, quoting Matthew, will be established, and this son of destruction will declare himself to be God.

Many wonder and ask us just what indications might we have as to when all of this will occur, in the days to come.

And it is here that Daniel chapter 8 is so helpful because something spectacular does come to pass just before the rise of the world leader, or ‘little horn’ as he is known in Daniel. The goat-like power of the west, identified with Greece – and that is not geographical, but rather, a mind-set and philosophical bent – flies eastward and tramples a ram, identified with Persia (modern day Iran). And this understanding is brought forth by the spiritual messenger who tells Daniel “Behold I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the time of the end.” (Dan. 8:19)

Shortly after the victory, the male goat magnifies himself greatly, but as soon as he is mighty, he is broken off, and that is when the little horn rises to power. (Dan. 8:7-9)

With the ascent of the new spiritual (and physical) principality, part of the host of heaven is caused to fall and becomes trampled. The host is given into the hands of the horn and he prospers. And all of this occurs within a basic 7 year time period that begins with an international covenant or treaty that comes with his ascent to rule.

With the sabers rattling in Saudi Arabia, and the drums of war being beaten in Israel and Washington, it seems unlikely that we will pass another presidential election before such war shall occur. Of course, it is possible that we may see a Trump re-election and war with Iran after that.

On the other hand, Henry Kissinger came out of the oval office in February and stated with all nonchalance that under the Trump administration we would see the emergence of a whole new peaceful World Order. Hmmmm

Very interesting way of disclosure — someone at the height of the global governing counsel of powers announcing quite calmly that we are virtually there, the NWO. It will be then a Pax Judiana.

So be it. It must be, for without the man of lawlessness, Christ does not return (2 Thess 2:2-3) — the day of the Lord will not come except the man of lawlessness is revealed.

For us then, there remains this quiet realization, that we do not want to re-write the Book of Revelation, nor to see that somehow we change history, or forestall what God has decreed. It is all within the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11) and therefore it will work to the good of all.

So as we say hello world, it is almost “Good-bye World!” because the world order will now pass quickly and Christ will arrive quite unexpectedly to most — though that is hard to grasp considering how many bibles are in print worldwide. I suppose it is just lack of belief that makes it impossible to see that it is all coming to pass just as it was written.

But for us who believe it is part of the “good news” because now will come the sweeping away of iniquity in preparation for the kingdom, and that which Man cannot accomplish — the establishment of a righteous kingdom — God will do quite handily with the King He has chosen from before the foundation of the world.

Further good news for the body of Christ: Paul stated without condition that God would spare the body of Christ from the day of indignation. So our time here is even shorter than the end of this age. Tribulation we have seen, and tribulation we shall see, but tribulation such as has never been seen shall come with the eve of the indignation that awaits the nations.

Now to all people on earth, publish the good news of peace, that we are in a time of God being concilated to world on account of the glorious gift of Christ — and now it is for each allotment of the kingdom, each inheritance, to be reconciled to God. We have yet some days and months of peace before the indignation. So let us be the heralds of just such an evangel.

Yours in the Spirit of Christ,

Bruce and Marianne